Prof.K Mohankumar
Dr. Mohankumar has 31 years of Teaching experience in postgraduate teaching, which he has completed 20 years as a University Professor Grade. A highly dedicated teacher, mentor and efficient administrator, he motivated his students to strive for excellence. He has made outstanding contributions to the creation of teaching and assessment strategies that encourage critical thinking and continuous and independent learning by students. He has also shown his commitment to the University as a Professor, Researcher and Dean of Faculty, overall an exceptional leader, who is actively involved in innovative curriculum development in Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences
Dr. K. Mohanakumar is an Internationally reputed researcher in the field of Atmospheric Sciences. He possesses 42 Years of Research Experience in the areas of the Middle Atmosphere, Stratosphere Troposphere Coupling, Monsoon dynamics and Climate Change. He has published more than 115 Research Articles of high quality in very highly rated, peer-reviewed, international journals of great reputation. He has got invitations from various International Scientific Conferences all over the World. During the last 28 years, he visited 28 Countries for Academic Purposes, and presented more than 100 research findings, given Key Note Talks, Invited Lectures, Chairing of Scientific Sessions, etc.
Dr. Mohankumar brought worth Rupees 30 Crores Externally funded Research projects to the University from various funding agencies, like the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, CSIR, UGC, ISRO, etc. In addition to the scientific merit, University also got infrastructure development, manpower development and Plan fund. By funding Rs 20 Crores for the ST Radar Project, CUSAT became the first University in India to receive this much support from the Department of Science and Technology.
☎️ 0484-2575241 ; 9447157370