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Meteorological Tower

CSIR C-MMACS (now CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute) under Institutional arrangement has established an instrumented 30 metres meteorological tower at CUSAT as a part of the CSIR Climate Observation and Modelling Network (COMoN). As a part of the CSIR Network project on Integrated Analysis for Impact, Mitigation and Sustainability (IAIMS). The ACARR, CUSAT location was recommended as one of the sites for augmentation of existing COMoN instrumentation. Accordingly, the following additional sensors instruments are being installed at the ACARR, CUSAT sites.

  1. Anemometer at Different Heights
  2. Disdrometer
  3. Pressure sensor
  4. AT/RH Sensor
  5. CR 1000X Data logger.


Advanced Centre for Atmospheric Radar Research - KIIFB Project Equipments
KIIFB Project Equipments

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