The vision of Advanced Center for Atmospheric Radar Research (ACARR) is to become a Centre of Excellence in "Observations and Modeling".
ACARR facilitates advanced techniques to monitor the Earth's atmosphere, including highly sophisticated stratosphere-troposphere wind profiler radar, Microwave Radiometer (MWR), Microwave Rain Radar, and 2-D Video Disdrometers, Sodar, GPS Radiosonde, Automatic Weather Stations, flux measurement systems, integrated sounding systems, etc. In addition, a high-tech Electronics laboratory facility is also available.
These facilities allow investigators, mainly Atmospheric scientists, to get the detailed information and necessary data for their research programs in Weather and Climate Science and incorporate numerical weather prediction techniques.
In order to achieve the goals, ACARR has six focus groups namely
These focus groups attempt to bridge the gap between observational studies and model development by incorporating the most up-to-date information into the numerical models and also ensuring the adequate flow of information among various stakeholders.
By integrating the inter and trans-disciplinary knowledge with the traditional knowledge system, the center also focuses on understanding and testing effective ways of co-producing and communicating knowledge through meaningful interactions between researchers, knowledge intermediaries, and stakeholders.