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Funded Projects

Funding AgencyName of ProjectPICo-PIStatusTotal Cost (Lakhs)
SERB-DSTStudies on the Stratosphere Troposphere Coupling Processes over the Monsoon Region Using Stratosphere Troposphere (ST) Radar at CochinProf. K MohankumarDr. K. Vasudevan Dr. K. R. Santosh Prof. P. MohananCompleted2500
CEFIPRAImpact of the Indian Monsoon Convection on the tropical tropopause layer and climateProf. K MohankumarDr. Ajil KottayilCompleted46.95305
MOESSupport for ST Radar Facility at ACARR, CUSAT, KochiDr. Abhilash S.

Prof. Dr. C. K. Aanandan

Dr.Satheesan K.

MOESThunderstorm Understanding and Experimental Realtime Prediction (THUNDER)Dr. Manoj M. G.

Dr. Abhilash S.

Prof. Satheesan K.

CEFIPRAVariability of the upper-level ASIAN monsoon anticyclone and mechanisms of its coupling with tropospheric monsoon convection. Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced ResearchDr. Ajil Kottayil

Dr. Abhilash S.

Prof. Satheesan K.

SRS, KSCSTEMesoscale Convective Cloud System over the Monsoon Region: Studying the long-term changes in its characteristics and impact on cloud burst events and stratospheric water vapourDr. Ajil Kottayil

Dr. Abhilash S.

Prof. Satheesan K.

UGC BSRDevelopment of an Improved Cyclogenesis Potential Parameter over North Indian Ocean and Probabilistic Prediction of Cyclogenesis using a Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction System.Dr. Abhilash S. Completed10
ISROUnderstanding the Physical processes associated with Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations and Cyclogenesis over Indian Ocean Region using SCATSAT-1 DataDr. Abhilash S. Completed36
SERBBias-Corrected High-Resolution Future Projections of the Distribution of Rainfall over Peninsular India in Response to Warming ClimateDr. Abhilash S. Completed30.5
IITMMonitoring of Extremes over Indian region on short, medium, extended and seasonal scale: Identification of Key physical processes and its representation in models.Dr. Abhilash S. Completed40.7
European Space AgencyValidation of Aeolus wind profiles over a tropical region using Stratosphere-Troposphere wind profiler radar, Radiosonde, and High-resolution regional model outputsDr. Ajil Kottayil

Dr. Abhilash S.

Prof. Satheesan K.

NPOL, Consultancy projectAll weather refractive index structure parameter model development for marine environment using relevant meteorological parametersProf. Satheesan K.Dr. Ajil KottayilCompleted8
University of SussexCo-production of Knowledge: Forecasting with Fishers Dr. Abhilash S.Completed10
CARS-1, NPOL, Consultancy ProjectStudy of Diurnal, monthly and seasonal variability of upper atmospheric meterologicalparameters with reference to the Refractive IndexStructure Parameter(Cn2) for Coastal stations Dr. Manoj M. G.Completed9.9
SPLNoise Survey SPL, TERLS, VSSCDr. K. MohanakumarDr. Titu K. SamsonCompleted0.98