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News And Events

Advanced Centre for Atmospheric Radar Research - Chancellor's Chair
Chancellor's Chair

As part of the Chancellor's chair Programme of CUSAT, Prof. Bernad Legras from France, Paris is visiting Cochin university from 12 November to December 17, 2022. We have planned a lot of scientific activities as a part of his visit. An important highlight of his visit is that he is going to deliver a lecture series on Meteorology especially aimed at Masters and Ph.D. students of atmospheric sciences, CUSAT.

The event is organised by the Sattelite and Remote Sensing group of ACARR.



1. Stratification of the atmosphere and convection

2. Radiative transfer and the greenhouse effect

3. Midlatitude meteorology

4. Boundary layer

5. Tropical meteorology and tropical cyclones


The long-duration impact of large volcanic eruptions and wildfires on the atmosphere and climate.

Programme Co-ordinators

Dr. Satheesan K

Dr. Abhilash S

Dr. Ajil Kottayil

Mr. Rakesh V.

Student Co-ordinators

Mr. Prajwal K

Ms. Devika M V

Mr. Sujithlal S P

Mr. Avinash Paul