Ionospheric Studies (IS) Group at ACARR focuses on basic research in the Indian near-equatorial Aeronomy using the 205 MHz VHF radar and ancillary instrumental data sets such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, Swarm satellite data, automatic weather stations (AWSs) etc. The sub-metre scale field aligned irregularities (FAI) observed with the 200 MHz band is the first of its kind over the near-equatorial region. Both the E- and F-region irregularities are being characterized in terms of its frequency, duration, height of occurrence, vertical structure and propagation, and drift velocity. Further, the coupling between the lower atmospheric perturbations and ionospheric responses are revealed. The group also focuses on the impact of ionospheric disturbances on satellite-based positioning and navigation. Some important results of the observations of the Indian near-equatorial ionospheric plasma irregularities have been reported in reputed international peer-reviewed journals.